Virtual Dignity Activity (Spring)

An engaging simulation that recreates the workplace toxicity that facilitates unhealthy environments and oppression. It supports deep learning of the underlying contributors to toxicity in the workplace and a more nuanced understanding of racism and other forms of oppression. Whether virtual or in-person, the impact of the Dignity Activity is more powerful than any presentation or traditional training.
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How People Experience the Dignity Activity

This was a very impactful event. It certainly made me think and consider things in a different way. Thank you so much for the experience. If your training for our staff is as impactful as the Dignity Activity, you will have made a significant shift in the way the Federal Government creates plans that will be truly inclusive and equitable.
I loved the opportunity to reflect on our breakout sessions and to see the different dynamics that played out. It also made me recognize how conditioned we are in the way we respond to oppressive situations. This was a great learning experience.
I gained awareness into how conditioned we are in the way that we respond to oppressive situations. This was a great learning experience.
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Supportive Environment

Experiential Learning

Not your ordinary training...expanding self-discovery and increasing systems analysis. 
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Challenging Assumptions

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional. Thrive in your career.
Write your awesome label here.

Dr. Atyia Martin

Patrick Jones - Course author